Below are the liquor licenses we currently have for sale – specifically S12 Retail Licenses for On-Premise consumption.

Our goal is to give you the best value and make your experience buying or selling a liquor license as seamless and stress-free as possible.

If you have questions or wish to inquire about a license, please get in touch with us or email us at


MASSACHUSETTS - On Premise Licenses (S12)

On Premise Retail Beverage License - suited for a restaurant, hotel, club, or tavern
Municipality License TypeCurrent UseAsking PriceStatus
BostonAll Alcoholic BeveragesRestaurantCall for DetailsClick here to inquire
BostonWine and Malt BeveragesRestaurantCall for DetailsClick here to inquire
WalthamAll Alcoholic BeveragesRestaurant$350,000.00NEWClick here to inquire
WoburnAll Alcoholic BeveragesRestaurant$85,000.00Click here to inquire

PENNSYLVANIA - Licenses Available

On Premise Consumption - suited for a restaurant, eating place or hotel
Municipality License TypeCurrent UseAsking PriceStatus
Bucks County
(Warrington TWP)
Restaurant (R)Restaurant$380,000.00Sold
Bucks County
(Warrington TWP)
Restaurant (R)Restaurant$346,500.00Sold
Montgomery County (Bryn Mawr) Restaurant (R)Restaurant$350,000.00Sold

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