Our team understands the demands of your liquor licensing clients! We have worked on thousands of liquor license transactions with many of the top licensing attorneys in the country. More often than not, they call us early on to provide current market value and license availability information so as to be better prepared for their next call with the client. Our commitment to delivering accurate information in a timely manner is why we continue to be a valuable resource for the best attorneys.
Solving your client’s liquor licensing challenge is where we add the most value. Whether your client is looking to license a retail liquor store or a national restaurant chain headed to bankruptcy, we can provide liquor license intelligence and creative solutions to satisfy your client’s needs.
Attorneys trust us to do complete work from start to finish. Each transaction that we are engaged in is diligently pursued by our team of professionals to ensure that the transaction is completed within the prescribed timeline. Our coordinators manage a process to keep everyone informed of the next steps, due dates and the status of each transaction. Often times, we are designated as POA to resolve tax and other issues that come up frequently. Whatever the challenge, our resourcefulness, experience, and ability to get things done will keep the transaction moving towards closing.
A list of attorney references is available. Call us today!