The Advisor Magazine: Issue #34

December 2023 Update – Gifting, Selling, Cannabis & More!
It’s a time to celebrate with the ones you love.
  • the future of partying – getting buzzed on cannabis drinks;
  • if selling during the holidays is a good idea;
  • what popular alcohol gifts to stock up on for the holidays;
  • and more!

The Advisor Magazine: Issue #33

November 2023 Update – Holiday Spending Habits, Inflation & More!
As we move into the holidays, consumer habits are changing, again.
  • how consumer’s alcohol purchases may change with inflation;
  • a surprise subject that came up at the Boston Hearing – restaurant pocket licenses;
  • how orange is the new white when it comes to serving wine this holiday season;
  • and more!

The Advisor Magazine: Issue #32

October 2023 Update – More Liquor Licenses Coming For Boston?
The last quarter of 2023 starts with some uncertainty in the liquor license market.
  • a recap of the October 2nd hearing for Boston’s Home Rule Petition;
  • how a new trend, Sober October, will impact sales;
  • what consumer trends are shaping up for this Fall;
  • and more!

The Advisor Magazine: Issue #31

September 2023 Update – License Requirement Changes Coming?
As the seasons start to change, soon the industry may too.
  • if changes are coming to nix U.S. Citizenship requirements for liquor licenses;
  • traditional flavours coming back – hard alcohol and “unflavored” beers regain growth;
  • Dunkin’ Donuts using its brand to push into the liquor industry;
  • and more!

The Advisor Magazine: Issue #30

As the second half of the year kicks off so does the liquor industry.
In Issue #30 of The Advisor, we discuss:
  • if a thriving nightlife is possible for Boston;
  • the future of online lottery;
  • where to focus your marketing dollars to capitalize on trends;
  • how to e-commerce is shaping up into 2027;
  • lease numbers for Boston retail;
  • and more!
Click Here To Read The Advisor – Issue #30.

The Advisor Magazine: Issue #29

Celebrations all around this Summer with some new takes on the same old issues.
In Issue #29 of The Advisor, we discuss:
  • Boston liquor license price raises eyebrows;
  • consumer habits for retailers this Summer;
  • Summer travel impact on liquor businesses;
  • what drinkers are spending their money on this Summer;
  • and more!
Click Here To Read The Advisor – Issue #29.

The Advisor Magazine: Issue #28

Just when we think we are past some of the issues in the industry, here we are, again.
In Issue #28 of The Advisor, we discuss:
  • unlimited licenses for food stores;
  • surcharges and concerns for on premise;
  • City of Boston bottle service advisory;
  • what to stock up on for Summer;
  • and more!
Click Here To Read The Advisor – Issue #28.

The Advisor Magazine: Issue #27

We work hard to keep you in the loop.
In Issue #27 of The Advisor, we discuss:
  • where the market is for liquor stores;
  • direct-to-consumer and e-commerce claiming market share;
  • Massachusetts lottery may be going online;
  • is tequila still hot or not;
  • and more!
Keep in touch with what’s going on in the liquor industry.
Click Here To Read The Advisor – Issue #27.

The Advisor Magazine: Issue #26 –

Spring is in the air and bringing new energy into the liquor industry.
In Issue #26 of The Advisor we discuss:
  • Consumer’s purchase habits this Spring (where and when for alcohol);
  • Boston considering banning nips;
  • Drinks-to-go extended;
  • Drink trends for Spring 2023;
  • Tax season for small businesses;
  • and more!
Buyers are becoming even more active putting sellers in a good position.
If you’re considering selling, know all of your options – we can help.
Click Here To Read The Advisor – Issue #26.

The Advisor Magazine: Issue #25 –

As we start to look toward the end of Winter, there are a few surprises popping up.

In The AdvisorIssue #25we discuss:

  • Cocktails-to-go ending April 1st;
  • Navigating consumer safety during the ongoing roofie epidemic;
  • Stocking up on booze for Spring trends;
  • Tax credits for small businesses;
  • and more!
There’s a shift on the way as the season changes – how will it impact your business?
Click Here To Read The Advisor – Issue #25.

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