Pandemic Exhaustion For Liquor Store & Restaurant Owners

It is hard to wrap our heads around the fact that we will soon be heading into year three of the pandemic. It has been nothing short of a rollercoaster: from normalcy feeling at arm’s length away with cases decreasing, to cases rapidly increasing and feeling as though we are right back to square one.

Many Boston restaurants are still operating with the hope that there is an end in sight, and the turbulence is exhausting. With the new vaccine requirement instated for indoor dining in Boston, the endless struggle to ensure safety for customers and employees is now increasingly more worrisome to restaurant owners.

These restaurant owners fear it will affect their already weakened customer base and ultimately, their bottom line.

The WBUR reported, “But while many restaurants are on board with keeping staff and patrons safe, they also told WBUR the mandate puts even more stress on an already-exhausted industry.”

The instability in the industry has many owners wondering, “is it worth it to even be in the industry anymore?” The fear of the unknown has been at an all-time high for the past few years, and to some, it’s an intolerable burden.

If you are feeling hopeless and burnt out, give us a call. We have been in the industry for over two decades and are here to help you navigate your next move and to make your exit as seamless and beneficial to you as possible.


For more articles on the liquor industry – check out The Advisor Magazine – Issue 12.



What Alcohol Is In Store For 2022?

The key to success in 2022 is going to be preparation and awareness. Support of small businesses was a hot topic during the pandemic where people wanted to help businesses stay afloat, but realistically sometimes it’s more convenient to make a purchase from the big guy.

CEO of LLA, Dan Newcomb, discussed in Advisor Issue #10, the trend in 2021 of consolidation is going to continue with the future ballot question, “the bigger stores are going to get bigger, and the small guys are going to be few and far between. There’ll be less smaller liquor stores in Massachusetts in 2023 than there was in 2021”.

Across alcohol retail sales in Massachusetts, a future ballot question proposes the number of liquor licenses to increase from 9 to 18, and it’s going to provoke commotion. With a forecast of consolidation in mind, it’s crucial that existing owners are attentive to what’s going on in the industry.

If you were presented with the opportunity to execute a quick sale today, would you be ready? You’re going to want to be prepared to maximize your return on investment and we can help you create this plan.

It’s no surprise to many that the supply chain issues have had a major impact on the alcoholic beverage industry. We advise liquor stores to formulate a plan to ensure consumer demand is met, by always having their best-selling products in stock. The key takeaway here is that your best-selling products are highly likely to stay favorable, so stock up now in order to meet consumer demand.


In the age of conscious consumption, sustainability and being environmentally cautious is not going to disappear anytime soon. Consumer demand for more transparent products has significantly increased in the past few years. Selling and marketing organic alcohol is a simple way to introduce sustainable products into your business plan.

Upcycler’s Lab reported, “Organic Alcohol is produced in a way that promotes the sustainability of our planet. Companies producing organic alcohol aim to minimize their impact on the environment by using alternative energy sources, reducing waste, and recycling”.

Preparation and awareness are the keys to success for operators in 2022.


For more articles on the liquor industry – check out The Advisor Magazine – Issue 11.



What Alcohol Is In Store For 2022?

As we’ve learned over the past few years, COVID-19 created a variety of new trends regarding alcohol consumption. Based on reports from cocktail enthusiasts, we’ve been following the forecast regarding drink trends for 2022, and here’s what we found to be the most noteworthy and our advice on how to stay competitive.

During the pandemic, many people took the time to prioritize self-improvement and wellness. It has been reported that this trend will remain, and non-alcoholic and low alcohol beverages are becoming increasingly popular.

As discussed in our Advisor Issue #6 earlier in the year, younger generations are known to be “conscious alcohol consumers”, with a focus on what ingredients are going into their beverages.

Also noted in this article is the younger generation’s tendency to pay attention to who is creating their beverages of choice.

Celebrity-owned spirit sales are predicted to reduce due to the backlash on being seen as inauthentic products.

Take this declining trend into consideration when stocking up on alcohol, as Millennials and Gen Z are not only progressively observant and mindful, but influential as well.

Prominent flavored drinks are predicted to be in high demand. Wine Enthusiast reported their reasoning as, “In the wake of COVID-19, a virus notorious for attacking senses of taste and smell, drinks with prominent, straightforward flavors may reassure those still recovering or otherwise concerned with changes to their senses.”

It has also been reported that RTD (ready-to-drink) cocktails are anticipated to maintain popularity, so we encourage investing in a supply of RTD cocktails with bold, detectable flavors for 2022.


For more articles on the liquor industry – check out The Advisor Magazine – Issue 11.


The Advisor Magazine: Issue #12 –

New mandates are coming into play in the City of Boston while the same old outside forces are trying to push their way into the industry according to MassPack.

In Issue #12 of The Advisor we discuss:


This issue will take a look at winter and what’s to come.
Click Here To Read The Advisor – Issue #12.


The Advisor Magazine: Issue #11 –

Looking forward to 2022, just when we thought some form of normal was starting to rear its head.
In Issue #11 of The Advisor we discuss:
This issue will take a look at what’s to come in the liquor industry this year.
Click Here To Read The Advisor – Issue #11.


The Advisor Magazine: Issue #10 –

We wrap up 2021 with a year in review of the liquor license industry.

In Issue #10 of The Advisor we discuss:

This issue wraps up 2021 looking at the lessons learned and preparation for 2022.

To access Issue #10 of The Advisor Magazine – click here.


The Advisor Magazine: Issue #9 –

Heading into the second holiday season in the COVID era has owners wondering how consumers will behave.

In Issue #9 of The Advisor we discuss:

This issue looks at what to expect heading into the holiday season.

To access Issue #9 of The Advisor Magazine – click here.


The Advisor Magazine: Issue #8 –

September meant a shift in seasons and potentially a change in trends heading into the 4th and final quarter of the year.

In Issue #8 of The Advisor we discuss:


-How Delta has impacted dining out & going for drinks;

-The “Shift” in liquor stores to watch out for;

-How retail owners can create a “digital shelf” for their customers;

-What seasonal beverage restaurants & retailers should have on their shelves;

and more!

This issue looks at how the recovery phase is shaping up and what to expect going into the end of the year.

To access Issue #8 of The Advisor Magazine – click here.


The Advisor Magazine: Issue #7 –

August was a month that took some by surprise with numerous announcements related to the liquor industry reform and the upcoming ballot for 2022.

In Issue #7 of The Advisor we discuss:

-Mass Pack’s strategy to increase license allotment;

-The possible return of Happy Hour in Boston;

-Whether customers are returning (or not) to local retail;

-Opportunity for a new category to increase cart amounts;

-& Our Hottest NEW Listings!!

This issue looks at how the upcoming ballot is shaping 21st-century liquor license reform, how the retail tier is standing its ground and where we go from here.

To access Issue #7 of The Advisor Magazine – click here.

The Advisor Magazine: Issue #6 –

With summer heating up, it seems people are even more open to getting back to it as our economy recovers.

In Issue #6 of The Advisor we discuss:

-How & where Gen Z is shaping the alcohol industry;

-Helping buyers get the upper hand;

-Top 10 trends for On-Premise recovery; and more!


This issue looks at the impact of the Fourth of July, how On-Premise is bouncing back (or not), and gain insights for buyers from our very own Ben Jerrom.

To access Issue #6 of The Advisor Magazine – click here.

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