The Advisor Magazine: Issue #14 –

As we move into restaurant and outdoor dining season, trends are starting to shift.

In Issue #14 of The Advisor we discuss wine sales struggling, travel and tourism set to impact the industry, MassPack heats up its push for independent operators, whiskey continues growth and more!

This issue we will also celebrate being in the industry for 20 years thanks to the support from many!


The Advisor Magazine: Issue #13 –

Once again the rules of the game change and owners and stakeholders are left trying to figure out where to go from here.

In Issue #13 of The Advisor we discuss:


  • City of Boston vaccine mandates being lifted;
  • DTC surpasses $4 Billion in U.S. industry;
  • 10 current trends in the liquor industry impacting both on & off-premise;
  • Total Wine enters South Bay;
  • and more!
This issue will take a look at what’s to come.
Click Here To Read The Advisor – Issue #13.


The Advisor Magazine: Issue #12 –

New mandates are coming into play in the City of Boston while the same old outside forces are trying to push their way into the industry according to MassPack.

In Issue #12 of The Advisor we discuss:


  • Planning for the upcoming mandates (and important dates);
  • Pandemic exhaustion & its impact on the industry;
  • MassPack’s plan to continue to fight expansion bills in 2022;
  • Liquor License COVID Response Program for Boston Restaurant owners;
  • and more!
This issue will take a look at winter and what’s to come.
Click Here To Read The Advisor – Issue #12.


The Advisor Magazine: Issue #11 –

Looking forward to 2022, just when we thought some form of normal was starting to rear its head.
In Issue #11 of The Advisor we discuss:
This issue will take a look at what’s to come in the liquor industry this year.
Click Here To Read The Advisor – Issue #11.


The Advisor Magazine: Issue #10 –

We wrap up 2021 with a year in review of the liquor license industry.

In Issue #10 of The Advisor we discuss:

This issue wraps up 2021 looking at the lessons learned and preparation for 2022.

To access Issue #10 of The Advisor Magazine – click here.


The Advisor Magazine: Issue #9 –

Heading into the second holiday season in the COVID era has owners wondering how consumers will behave.

In Issue #9 of The Advisor we discuss:

This issue looks at what to expect heading into the holiday season.

To access Issue #9 of The Advisor Magazine – click here.


The Advisor Magazine: Issue #8 –

September meant a shift in seasons and potentially a change in trends heading into the 4th and final quarter of the year.

In Issue #8 of The Advisor we discuss:


-How Delta has impacted dining out & going for drinks;

-The “Shift” in liquor stores to watch out for;

-How retail owners can create a “digital shelf” for their customers;

-What seasonal beverage restaurants & retailers should have on their shelves;

and more!

This issue looks at how the recovery phase is shaping up and what to expect going into the end of the year.

To access Issue #8 of The Advisor Magazine – click here.


The Advisor Magazine: Issue #7 –

August was a month that took some by surprise with numerous announcements related to the liquor industry reform and the upcoming ballot for 2022.

In Issue #7 of The Advisor we discuss:

-Mass Pack’s strategy to increase license allotment;

-The possible return of Happy Hour in Boston;

-Whether customers are returning (or not) to local retail;

-Opportunity for a new category to increase cart amounts;

-& Our Hottest NEW Listings!!

This issue looks at how the upcoming ballot is shaping 21st-century liquor license reform, how the retail tier is standing its ground and where we go from here.

To access Issue #7 of The Advisor Magazine – click here.

The Advisor Magazine: Issue #6 –

With summer heating up, it seems people are even more open to getting back to it as our economy recovers.

In Issue #6 of The Advisor we discuss:

-How & where Gen Z is shaping the alcohol industry;

-Helping buyers get the upper hand;

-Top 10 trends for On-Premise recovery; and more!


This issue looks at the impact of the Fourth of July, how On-Premise is bouncing back (or not), and gain insights for buyers from our very own Ben Jerrom.

To access Issue #6 of The Advisor Magazine – click here.

The Advisor Magazine: Issue #5 –

As things heat up for Summer, people flock to local patios, beaches and resume inter-state travel throughout the country. Sparks are flying with local and state-wide alcohol legislation debates in Massachusetts.

In Issue #5 of The Advisor we discuss:

• The current status of on & off-premise liquor laws;

• Market trends as summer heats up and kicks off;

• Liquor License Advisor’s very own Expert Spotlight: Glenn Lawler weighs in on the liquor world today!


This issue takes a look into the longevity of pandemic vs. new era trends. How laws are changing, life is transitioning, and the liquor industry is expanding & evolving.

To access Issue #5 of The Advisor Magazine – click here.


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