The Advisor Magazine: Issue #4 – Recovering, Reopening & Rebounding?

The Future of Restaurants & Bars

We are officially “all hands on deck” with the economy having reopened fully and the “State of Emergency” order soon to be lifted.

In Issue #4 of The Advisor we discuss:

• The state of Boston’s Restaurant scene;

• The nearing review of the temporary emergency measures for restaurants offering “Cocktails-To-Go”;

• What impact will removing the “State of Emergency” on the liquor industry;

• and more!


This issue takes a deep dive into the world of restaurants and bars, looking at how they are coming out the other side of the pandemic and what impact that will have on off-premise stakeholders.

To access Issue #4 of The Advisor Magazine – click here.

View more industry updates in The Advisor Magazine:


The Advisor Magazine: Issue #3 – Planning Past The Pandemic

Liquor License Advisor discusses in The Advisor Magazine the reopening and impact of alcohol trends on stakeholders who are looking to plan past the pandemic.

The role of this publication is to keep liquor store and liquor license owners as well as all stakeholders in the loop when it comes to what’s trending in the marketplace.

The third issue includes but is not limited to:

– Wholesalers & e-commerce making History?
– Old World vs New Distribution: The Evolution of Wine
– UK’s Consumption Crisis Plan
– ABCC’s Advisory Update
– And much more!

To access Issue #3 of The Advisor Magazine – click here.





View more industry updates in The Advisor Magazine:


The Advisor Magazine: Issue #1 – The 1st Liquor Industry Trade Magazine

Liquor License Advisor is proud to announce an industry first with the liquor industry trade publication, The Advisor Magazine.

The role of this publication is to keep liquor store and liquor license owners as well as all stakeholders in the loop when it comes to what’s trending in the marketplace.

The first issue includes but is not limited to:

-Drizly bought by Uber for $1.1 Billion
-2021 trends & opportunities
-When will the COVID “Bump” end
-A review of the State Quota in MA (Cumberland Farms versus MPSA)
-And much more!

To access Issue #1 of The Advisor Magazine – click here.







Check out more liquor industry updates in The Advisor Magazine:



The Advisor Magazine: Issue #2 – Disruption & Deregulation

Liquor License Advisor discusses in The Advisor Magazine a number of industry trends and concerns. In this issue, we connect with Robert A. Mellion, Executive Director and Counsel for Massachusetts Package Store Association (MPSA) as well as Louis Cassis, Executive Director of Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of Massachusetts to discuss the controversial topic of NIPS.

The role of this publication is to keep liquor store and liquor license owners as well as all stakeholders in the loop when it comes to what’s trending in the marketplace.

The second issue includes but is not limited to:

– Unpacking Mass Pack’s 3 Biggest Issues In 2021
– NIPS: Where Do We Go From Here (2 Part Series)
– The Shift? Market Place Trends
– And much more!

To access Issue #2 of The Advisor Magazine – click here.




Check our more liquor license industry updates in The Advisor Magazine:




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