The Advisor Magazine: Issue #14 –

As we move into restaurant and outdoor dining season, trends are starting to shift.

In Issue #14 of The Advisor we discuss wine sales struggling, travel and tourism set to impact the industry, MassPack heats up its push for independent operators, whiskey continues growth and more!

This issue we will also celebrate being in the industry for 20 years thanks to the support from many!


The Advisor Magazine: Issue #13 –

Once again the rules of the game change and owners and stakeholders are left trying to figure out where to go from here.

In Issue #13 of The Advisor we discuss:


  • City of Boston vaccine mandates being lifted;
  • DTC surpasses $4 Billion in U.S. industry;
  • 10 current trends in the liquor industry impacting both on & off-premise;
  • Total Wine enters South Bay;
  • and more!
This issue will take a look at what’s to come.
Click Here To Read The Advisor – Issue #13.


The Advisor Magazine: Issue #12 –

New mandates are coming into play in the City of Boston while the same old outside forces are trying to push their way into the industry according to MassPack.

In Issue #12 of The Advisor we discuss:


  • Planning for the upcoming mandates (and important dates);
  • Pandemic exhaustion & its impact on the industry;
  • MassPack’s plan to continue to fight expansion bills in 2022;
  • Liquor License COVID Response Program for Boston Restaurant owners;
  • and more!
This issue will take a look at winter and what’s to come.
Click Here To Read The Advisor – Issue #12.


The Liquor License COVID Response Program

Liquor License Advisor is pleased to announce the launch of our Liquor License COVID Response Program for Boston and area restaurants, bars and other on-premise licensed establishments. Over the past 6 months, we have been approached by many owners who were looking for specific advice about their current situation and options.

The was a common theme and questions that kept coming up and the more owners we talked to, the more we knew we had to do something more to support the Boston restaurants who have supported us all of these years.

The program allows a quick assessment by our team of liquor license professionals to help you evaluate what your potential options are and what’s next. For full details on the program, see the info below or reach out to our office at (781)319-9800 any time to schedule a private conversation about your unique situation.

You’ve worked hard and deserve the best possible outcome for you and your business – we’re here for you. Give us a call at (781)319-9800.



The Advisor Magazine: Issue #11 –

Looking forward to 2022, just when we thought some form of normal was starting to rear its head.
In Issue #11 of The Advisor we discuss:
This issue will take a look at what’s to come in the liquor industry this year.
Click Here To Read The Advisor – Issue #11.


The Advisor Magazine: Issue #10 –

We wrap up 2021 with a year in review of the liquor license industry.

In Issue #10 of The Advisor we discuss:

This issue wraps up 2021 looking at the lessons learned and preparation for 2022.

To access Issue #10 of The Advisor Magazine – click here.


Predictions For 2021 Holiday Liquor Sales In Massachusetts

Last holiday season was unprecedented, as COVID turned many large gatherings into small or virtual ones, and the most wonderful time of the year looked much different for most. People thought it was safe to assume that by the 2021 holiday season life would have returned to normal, and that holiday gatherings and spending would gain momentum.

Enter Delta variant and renewed restrictions in certain areas, and it looks like consumer trends may continue to shift. BevAlc recently released their top predictions for 2021 holiday sales, which highlights the uncertainty surrounding consumer behaviors during the months leading up to the start of 2022. Let’s take a closer look.

Before delving into what people will be consuming this holiday season, it is probably more notable to consider how they will be consuming. Celebrations will be mixed this year, as BevAlc reports that less than half of people surveyed will celebrate like they did in 2019, while a majority’s holidays will resemble those of 2020. Many are hesitant to make big plans in the ever-changing climate that has become pandemic life, and there will likely be a mix of pre-pandemic and pandemic celebrations.

Holidays wouldn’t be the holidays without gifts, and BevAlc believes that many gifts will continue to be purchased online this season. Drizly has reported significant growth in the gift giving sector, with share expanding from just 9% in 2019 to 20% by the end of 2020.

Retailers must pay attention to this significant shift, as it presents a valuable opportunity for them. Liz Paquette, Drizly’s head of consumer insights, comments that, “This is an awesome opportunity to drive valuable sales online”, as retailers can both acquire new customers online who perhaps wouldn’t normally frequent their store, as well as be introduced to new local shoppers.

People will be celebrating in different ways and making a lot of online purchases, but what will the drinks of choice be at these celebrations and for online purchases?

According to BevAlc’s report, tequila and whiskey will enjoy huge popularity, tequila making up 25% of liquor sales on Drizly.

Lander Otegui is the senior vice president of marketing at Proximo Spirits and remarked that “our customers like to enjoy tequila during celebratory moments”, and that “this is especially true during the holidays, a time when many are willing to spend more on premium offerings”.

Also making an appearance at holiday celebrations this year will be the newer-to-the-scene Ready to Drink cocktails. Drizly has reported an 85% increase in RTD sales, as hard seltzer sales decline and “RTDs could potentially be seen as a replacement for consumers for some secondary cocktail ingredients”, according to Paquette. If some are limiting their social interactions, hitting the liquor store or clicking around Drizly for the whole package might be all the rage this holiday season, rather than making multiple trips to multiple stores for cocktail ingredients.

And finally, champagne. “…in the U.S., Champagne is the wine for celebration”, according to Xavier Barlier, who is the senior vice president of marketing & communications at Maisons Marques & Domaines USA. Many felt cheated out of their 2020 holiday season, which is all the more reason to celebrate in 2021, whether at a small, socially distant gathering, a large reunion, or while catching up on Zoom. Champagne is also a great holiday and host gift, so people will be enjoying and gifting the bubbly.

“The more frustrated we get with COVID and Delta, “ comments Barlier, “the more we want to compensate. I think this year we’re going to splurge”.

For more articles on liquor licenses and liquor stores, check out our monthly magazine, The Advisor Magazine – Issue #9.



The Advisor Magazine: Issue #9 –

Heading into the second holiday season in the COVID era has owners wondering how consumers will behave.

In Issue #9 of The Advisor we discuss:

This issue looks at what to expect heading into the holiday season.

To access Issue #9 of The Advisor Magazine – click here.


The Advisor Magazine: Issue #8 –

September meant a shift in seasons and potentially a change in trends heading into the 4th and final quarter of the year.

In Issue #8 of The Advisor we discuss:


-How Delta has impacted dining out & going for drinks;

-The “Shift” in liquor stores to watch out for;

-How retail owners can create a “digital shelf” for their customers;

-What seasonal beverage restaurants & retailers should have on their shelves;

and more!

This issue looks at how the recovery phase is shaping up and what to expect going into the end of the year.

To access Issue #8 of The Advisor Magazine – click here.


Shifting Liquor Store Trends


During the recent U.S. COVID-19 “recovery” phase, off-premise alcoholic beverage trends have been shifting.

NielsenIQ’s beverage alcohol expert, Kaleigh Theriault, recently discussed these shifting trends with Joe Tarnowski from ECRM and provided both helpful data and insights. Let’s take a look.

We’ll begin with the most revealing statistic, which is that off-premise sales have been declining since March 2021, which is contrary to the previous few years.

The article states that “Off-premise sales increased 19% in 2020 vs. 2019”, and that “off-premise sales increased 18% YTD vs. 2019 YTD.”

As consumers have recently enjoyed a higher comfort level dining and drinking out, off-premise numbers have declined. However, it will be interesting to see where these numbers go with the Delta Variant of COVID coming into play.

The article also highlights the continuing trend of increasing sales for Ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages and hard seltzers, as both categories have shown an increase since 2020.

Another category showing an influx is non-alcoholic beer, wine, and spirits, which have increased 35% YTD in sales.

Commenting on these trends, Theriault states that: “For the remainder of 2021, we can expect a few key trends to stick.

RTD sales are going to start gaining traction within on premise as consumers view these to be ‘safer’ beverage options.

Firstly, the movement towards ready-to-drink cocktails will continue as sales surpassed summer 2020 sales off-premise, and also expanded into on premise channels.

In addition, RTD sales are going to start gaining traction within on premise as consumers view these to be ‘safer’ beverage options.”

With the Delta variant picking up traction, we may see currently declining e-commerce sales begin to increase again, as consumers may choose to dine and drink in, rather than frequent the restaurants and bars with which they just became reacquainted.

Although online alcohol sales aren’t quite as high as they were during the height of COVID, many people have continued to utilize this service for its convenience and because they can personalize their alcoholic beverage choices.

For example, many shoppers enjoy the ability to type in “low calorie”, “low sugar”, or “gluten-free” to individualize their purchases. Theriault comments on this trend, stating that “…and retailers need to further develop their product descriptions and discoverability in order to cater to the growing segment of health-conscious consumers looking for personalization.”

We live in a more unpredictable world now than ever, and watching consumer trends is essential for off-premise suppliers’ and operators’ survival. We can expect consumers to adapt to the changing climate – and off-premise players must follow suit.


For more articles on the liquor industry – check out The Advisor Magazine – Issue 8.


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